Xavier Rodriguez is a former Texas Supreme Court Justice and currently sits on the bench as a United States District Judge for the Western District of Texas. Born in San Antonio, Texas, he received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, a master’s degree from the University of Texas LBJ School of Public Affairs and a doctor of jurisprudence degree from the University of Texas Law School. Prior to assuming the bench, he was a partner in the international law firm of Fulbright & Jaworski (now known as Norton Rose Fulbright). Judge Rodriguez is a frequent speaker on continuing legal education seminars and has authored numerous articles regarding employment law, discovery and arbitration issues. He is the editor of Essentials of E-Discovery (TexasBarBooks 2014). He is a member of The Sedona Conference Judicial Advisory Board and serves as an adjunct professor of law at the St. Mary’s University School of Law. He was elected to membership in the American Law Institute, and is a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation and the Texas Bar Foundation. In 2011 he was awarded the Rosewood Gavel Award for outstanding judicial service from the St. Mary's University School of Law. In 2017, he received the State Bar of Texas Gene Cavin Award for Excellence in CLE, recognizing his long-term contributions to continuing legal education.
Hon. Xavier Rodriguez (U.S.D.C. W.D. TX.)